Welcome to our reviews blog


We will use this blog to write our sincere product reviews, on things that we have been using and buying along the years. If you like it, please show your support by clicking on the ads on the blog or buying from the links we provide (even if you buy a different product that the reviewed one). Thanks and happy 2015!

If you’d like to know our opinion of a product, please contact us, we’re more than happy to receive suggestions. Please take into account that we only write about things we have/use, so we might not be able to help.

We write in Spanish and English, we might have more articles in Spanish than English, if you want us to translate a particular article contact us.

Things we’ll write about:

  • Electronics/Computers (we’re quite into gadgets)
  • Sports
  • Books
  • Cooking, food, drinks
  • Kids

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