Corkscrews 4 all (2)

Hi All! We keep writing about corkscrews today, since it seemed to have caught the reader’s interest.
We’ll review the good all waiters corkscrews and a newer deluxe one.
Let’s start with the waiters corskscrew which we’ve been using all our life. This bottle corkscrews are usually very durable, and if the quality is good, the spiral is thin, and the head has a two-step system, they usually work quite well. Normally they also include a foil cutter and they can be used to open bottles.
They last quite long and they’re easy to carry since they’re quite small. On the other hand, you need to be quite careful while using it since it’s quite easy to introduce the spiral on a side which will lead to breaking the cork… Apart from that, if the cork is stuck, it takes quite some effort to get it off.sacacorchos_camarero

On the other hand, if you manage to use it properly and with confidence, you’ll make a good impression as an experienced wine expert 😉

The next one is a newer deluxe kind that makes the cork extraction quite easy.

Lacor 63026 - Estuche sacacorchos+descaps. luxe "s"This corkscrew type is very easy and confy to use, which will help you open the bottles easily and with very little effort.
In order to use it, you have to close the handle, which will strangle the bottle, that way the spiral which always be in the middle of the cork. Then you push the top piece down and pull it up, extracting the cork seamlessly.

sacacorchos autom
To take the cork out of the spiral, you push it down again, closet he handle and pull the spiral up, easily extracting the cork.

This corkscrews are very easy to use, but they are quite bulky and we’ve had a few which broke in a couple of years. They’ve lasted quite less than the rest we’ve had. Even if they were quite nice to use we haven’t bought another one… we would but it again as present.

This is our second corkscrews article, if you want to keep reading more about corkscrews go to our first article in which we talk about the Napoleon and the Gitano types.

If you’re interested on buying them, here are the links:

Corkscrews 4 all

Hi All! Today is our very first post that responds to a demand! Thanks to Antonio Gómez and Vicky Ramos for responding to our question on Facebook!

So… here it is! 🙂 We will talk about different corkscrews in a series of posts, this is the first one where we’ll present the latest ones we’ve bought not long ago.

A few days ago I bought two different types of corkscrews, one is a classic one, and the other a bit more particular, of the gitano (or two-prong) type.

Before choosing a corkscrew for your bottle, firstable you have to asses the cork status. If it’s in good condition, you can really use any type. But if the cork is damaged or is weak, you have to be more careful and choose the right type, either the gitano or an air corkscrew (not included in this review, I don’t have one, yet).

Let’s start with the classic and leave the special for the end.classic_corkscrew

The first now is a Bravantia Napoleon corkscrew, very solid and durable.

It’s made of high quality ABS plastic on the outside and metal on the inside, offering a good balance between robustness and usability.

The inner part is in charge of extracting the cork and cutting the cap, plus a ring that helps you centering the spiral, assuring optimum extraction.

The handler is big enough to operate and twist easily, making the extraction a very easy and quick process.

The only drawback is that is a bit bulky, far away from this small and handy waiter’s corkscrews.

So if you have enough space, this corkscrew won’t disappoint you, making the extraction an easy and effortless process.

Time for the next one! The ‘gitano’ (or two-prong) corkscrew, here it is:

sacacorchos_gitanoI bought this one because I was curious on how it works, and I have to say that is a very good one!

The blades get inside the bottle, between the cristal and the cork, surprisingly easily, and it extracts the cork pulling the whole block up.

I’d say that is perfect for pulling damaged corks, but I have not tried it yet.

Here are a few instructions to use it.


In short I’d say that they both are really nice corkscrews and my investigation before buying them has been worth the trouble.

Please favorite us if you like this review and here are the links in case you are interested:

If you would like to keep reading about corkscrews read our second article (waiters and deluxe corkscrews).

Thanks for reading!

Cooking with a Lékué Silicone Steam Case

I love cooking, but I can’t always spend all the time I’d like to spend but I fancy eating healthy. A couple of months ago, I discovered the Lékué silicon steam cases.

It has been quite a Discovery, now I cook my veggies on the microwave nearly every day. This helps me save plenty of time (for example it takes around 5 minutes to cook carrots). Since I can fix the time on the microwave I can do other things while the veggies are getting cooked, I cook the rest of the dinner or go bath the kids or whatever I need to do.

You can use it to cook anything that can be steamed, I use it to cook my veggies and fish, which are really tasty!

The bigger versions of the Lékué have a draining tray which allows to pick the juices separately.

According to the instructions, the Lékué steam case can also be used to cook on the oven as well, I used it a number of times, but it started changing color, so I no longer use it on the oven…. For the oven I use the regular trays I already had, which are not as easy to clean… I didn’t know it could be used on the oven before I bought it so this doesn’t really bother me.

Here’s the link if you want to try it: Lékué Steam Case

Kuhn Rikon DUROMATIC Top Pressure Cooker

It took me quite a bit for me to finally get to buy a pressure cooker, I use to cook slowly, taking my time to make my soups and pot meals.

Then, we had kids, and started having less free time, which made me more and more practical…. And I finally bought a pressure cooker.

I browsed the internet, read reviews, comparissons… in order to decide which pressure cooker to buy, and decided to go for a Kuhn Rikon Duromatic, which had the best reviews, some even said it was good enough to be used professionally.

We bought the pot a couple of months ago and we use it weekly to cook the kid’s pure. It’s very silent and works seamlessly. Since we bought it we’ve been making pot meals for us as well, which we only use to do once a week… couldn’t be happier about it!

You can even use this pressure cooker in induction cooking kitchens, and you’ll save energy and a lot of time. Compared to other pressure cookers, this ones are wider and smaller, which makes them easier to store. If you have a small kitchen this will be quite important!

We bought the 6 litre version, which is big enough to prepare a 4-6 people meal. If I was to buy another one, I’d get a bigger one, since I like to cook once and store for another day.

Here’s the link to buy it if you’re interested in getting it: Kuhn Rikon Duromatic

Green & red thai curry paste

green_curry_pasteHi all! Today I want to review one of my favourites kitchen tricks: green & red thai curry paste, that makes delicious dishes.

They both are from a brand called ‘Thai Taste’, specialized (not surprisingly) in condiments and sauces to make authentic Thai food.

If you are familiar with the thai food, you’ll know that in order to cook it, the ingredients and the techniques needed are quite different from ours, and different from indian’s too.

That’s why is a good idea to buy a prepared mix, because it’s quite difficult to find the ingredients in almost any market. So the offering from Thai Taste, which makes thai food simple and tasty, is quite handy, and cheap too.Red_curry_paste

Basically, in order to make a delicious homemade thai curry dish, you only have to follow quite simple instructions and add a few ingredients, and in a matter of minutes, you’ll have a quite decent thai dish.

From all the different solutions for cooking thai food, this is the best, both for its simplicity and taste.

I lived in London for quite a while, and when I came back to Spain I really missed these flavours. Here in Madrid is quite difficult to find a good thai. Just to put an example: when I came back, I went to an ‘asian’ restaurant (here there’s not much differentation between indian, thai, japanese… :S) and I ordered a Pad Tai (one of my favourite dishes!). What was my surprise when they came back with an olive oil taste plate of noodles…

So, even if you are an amateur chef or a casual cooker, or you are in Spain or UK (or anywhere, really) this won’t dissapoint you. It’s perfect to surprise your friends or trest yourself with an exotic, tasty dish.

Just to give you an example, here are the instructions:thai_food_instructions

Happy thai cooking!!

If you want to try them, here are the links:

Si quieres probarlo, aquí tienes los enlaces:

