All In One Suits, Dungarees, Overbooties and OverMittens Togz

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Yesterday we went for a walk to the mountains, to play with the snow and go sledding down the slopes and I thought I had to write about the Togz oversuits.

A couple of years ago I bought the eldest an All in One suit in a store which became too small right when the stores had already changed to spring clothes but it was still cold, so it went online to buy a new one.

After digging around, I bought the Togz Childrens Warm and Dry All in One Suit. This suits are quite baggy, which allows to put as many layers of clothes as needed depending on the temperature.

The eldest used the suit for the rest of the winter and the youngest has been using it to crawl around the park all this winter without getting wet at all. These suits are of really good quality, yesterday after spending all morning playing and crawling on the snow, the kid was warm, and the suit has been in use for more than two years…

I also bought the Fleece lined Overbootie, and the Waterproof Fleeced Line OverMittens. We use the mittens until we lost one, and we use the overbooties when we go to the snow, we don’t have special boots for the kid, and with the overbooties it’s more than enough.

This year we bought the eldest the Dungarees, so we can take him to school on the bike (it’s really cold in the morning) and then he can go outside in school only with the coat. The kid is really happy to go on the bike in the mornings and he isn’t cold even when it’s slightly below 0º celsisus, underneath he only wears normal pants.

Here’s the link: Togz in Amazon UK